"Whoever wants a job most gets it. How do you know who wants it most? Interview Preparation"

You know what employers hate most? A candidate who hasn’t bothered with interview preparation. And it really doesn’t matter how much experience you have. Or what a great character you are. Never fall into the trap of trying to wing it.

To an employer this shows lack of interest. It’s the ultimate snub. Definitely not the best way to go about getting the job. But the fact that you are on this site probably means you know that already…..it’s a good start. Some of your competition won’t make it this far.

Can you even prepare for the interview? Aren’t some people just better at it than others?

A lot of people don’t want to believe you can prepare. After all, there is work involved. Even more people don’t know how. So the same old hearsay and old wives tales do the rounds, over and over.

On of the biggest myths is that some people are just “naturals” when it comes to the interview. That’s rubbish! Don’t by into this one. Remember the interview is about:

• knowing what the employer wants

• knowing how to give it to them.

The truth is that the “naturals” are just the best prepared. Prepare better, perform better.

That’s it. The secret is there is no secret. Interview preparation is how you prove you want the job!

The interviewer wants to know you want to join their team. If you want the offer you have to show you want the job.

There are 3 fundamentals to preparing for a job interview:

• Knowing the company and role

• Knowing how to answer questions

• Knowing how to present yourself

You’ll cover all of those with me, the Interview instructor right here on interview-tips-that-work. The right preparation will give you the confidence to give the interview you deserve.

Want to know where to start? What is a job interview anyway? You need to know this if you're going to succeed. Find out why the job description is your guide, and how to use it to prepare for an interview.

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